VISA Processing
Individual Work Permits & Visas
Duly accredited by the Bureau of Immigration and with extensive experience on document processing with the Dept. of Labor, Dept. of Justice, Professional Regulation Commission and Philippine Retirement Authority, we can help you in procurement and extension of:
Visa Waiver -For non-visa required tourists initially admitted for 30 days and is requesting for initial 29 days extension
Tourist Visa Extensions -1 month, 2 months and 6 months extension for foreign national whose valid stay will exceed 59 days.
Tourist Visa Extensions -7 days or 14 days extension for foreign national who were granted visa upon arrival using valid visa from US, CAN, JAP, EU,AUS.
9(G) Commercial Visa -Pre-arranged employment visa for foreign nationals who will engage in any lawful employment in the Philippines.
47(A)(2) Special Non-Immigrant Visa -for foreign nationals whose petitioning companies are registered under PEZA, BOI or DOJ.
13(A) Immigrant Visa -for foreign nationals with valid marriage to a Filipino citizen
13(C ) Immigrant Visa -for dependent children who were born after the issuance of 13a visa.
SPECIAL RETIREES RESIDENT VISAS -granted to foreign nationals who want to make Philippines their second home and/or investment destination.
SRRV Classic –Remittances may be convertible to investment
35-49 YO- USD50,000.00
50 YO With Pension-USD10, 000.00
50 YO Without Pension-USD20, 000.00
SRRV Smile -35 YO and above with Remittance of USD20,000.00 locked-in bank
SRRV Courtesy -35 YO and above former Filipino citizen, Remittance of USD1,500.00
50 YO and above for foreign national who are worked previously as diplomat or for an International Organization
SRRV Human Touch -35 YO and above, USD10,000.00 Be shown to have pre-existing condition in need of medical/clinical care services (except contagious disease) With monthly pension of USD1,500.00 remitted to the Philippines
Special Work Permit -issued by the Bureau of Immigration to foreign nationals who shall engage in lawful employment for three (3) to six (6) months.
Alien Employment Permit -Issued by the Dept. of Labor which authorizes a foreign national to work legally in the Philippines. Generally a pre-requisite in applying for 9g commercial visa. This permit is also applicable to holders/dependents of SRRV who would enter into a lawful employment in the Philippines.
PRC Special Temporary Permit -to foreign professionals who are to be employed by local or private firms in compliance with the law.
Expat Landing Assistance:
Car Rental
Home Rental
Drivers License application